Our Programs
Which Home Loan Could Be The Best For You?
This is a popular option and typically offers a lower rate.
May require a higher credit score than many other loans.
Suggested for: Repeat Buyers, Applicants with higher FICO scores.
VA Loans
Exclusively for military veterans and members of the US military.
Suggested for: Veterans, Active Service Personnel, qualifying Reservists.
Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM)
This loan’s rate is typically lower for the first 5 to 10 years before adjusting each year.
Suggested for: Buyers who will refinance or sell their home before their rate adjusts
Jumbo Loans
These are for more expensive properties and provide up to $2.5 million in loan funds.
Suggested for: Buyers in areas with higher property prices, and those planning to build a custom home
FHA Loans
These are partially insured by the Federal Housing Administration (FHA). This means lenders can offer options with easier credit qualifying and lower down payments.
Suggested for: First time buyers, and those without savings for a big down payment
USDA Loans
Similar to FHA loans, these offer easier credit qualifying and down payment options. Only available for properties in areas defined as rural by the USDA.
Suggested for: Buyers of properties in rural areas
As your local loan originator, I can answer your questions about the loans described here, plus others also offered by Guild Mortgage. Call today to get started!